Next Gen Banking.
Powered by the Latest Technology.

Fully licensed bank with Central Bank Clearing Rails and world-class API’s
Streamline Your Payments
Effortlessly manage your payments and FX conversions with our intuitive, PSD2-compliant Client Portal. Access instantly. No integration required.
Banking Circle is designed to meet the global needs of Payments businesses, Banks, and Investment Funds.
Fully licensed bank with Central Bank Clearing Rails and world-class API’s
Streamline Your Payments
Effortlessly manage your payments and FX conversions with our intuitive, PSD2-compliant Client Portal. Access instantly. No integration required.
Banking Circle is designed to meet the global needs of Payments businesses, Banks, and Investment Funds.
Providing banking services to over 490 regulated financial institutions:

Revolutionary Global Solutions
While ‘next-gen’ disruption has largely focused on front-end improvements on top of obsolete infrastructure, Banking Circle has built revolutionary global solutions solving the fundamental issues of traditional banking.
Banking Circle
In Detail
Of our organisation workforce are engineers.
Virtual accounts issued
Financial Institutions
Cross Border
Payments, accounts and liquidity management
€700 Billion
Payment volumes processed annually
More than
of all European B2C
e-commerce flow is processed by us*
210 Million
B2B transactions
processed in 2023
*Source: Worldpay Global Payments Report 2022 and all e-commerce related incoming payments processed by Banking Circle to European merchants in 2022.
Working With
Payment Businesses
Investment Funds
Unlock global access for your customers and improve payment reconciliation through our fast, low-cost payment and account solutions.
Provide your customers with global banking solutions through our payments and account solutions – designed for secure integration.
Providing tailored solutions for Investment Funds to effortlessly open and manage multi-currency accounts directly, or on behalf of clients.
Unlock global access for your customers and improve payment reconciliation through our fast, low-cost payment and account solutions.
Payment Businesses
Provide your customers with global banking solutions through our payments and account solutions – designed for secure integration.
Providing tailored solutions for Investment Funds to effortlessly open and manage multi-currency accounts directly, or on behalf of clients.
Investment Funds
Our team want to hear how you are moving Global Finance
Talk to us about solutions for your business