The fiduciary arrangement offers clients the ability of placing funds on a fiduciary account with AAA rated counterparty exposure combined with attractive interest rates while still ensuring full operational accessibility of funds during the day.
Payments is in our DNA which is why the fiduciary arrangement fits seamlessly with the full product suite that Banking Circle offers, thereby providing clients access to premium cash flow management along with the advantages mentioned above.
Maximising Security and Access
- Gain access to AAA rated credit institution without having accounts with them directly by placing your funds into a Fiduciary account with Banking Circle
- The cut-off for instructing funds in and out of the Fiduciary Account is CET 17:30 CET. Funds are available again the next working day
Flexible Currency Options & Attractive Interest Rates
- Banking Circle can open Fiduciary Accounts in various currencies. You will receive interest based on the currency of the Fiduciary Account
- Banking Circle offers attractive interest rates on funds held in a Fiduciary Account